Stephen Mackin

Stephen Mackin


Stephen is a partner at Hill Dickinson in Newcastle, UK. He is a former mariner and now lawyer with experience, both practical and legal of all aspects and issues arising from the carriage of liquid cargoes by sea. He has been described by clients as “the lawyer you want on your right hand side in any dispute”.

Stephen gained practical tanker experience with Shell on; VLCC’s, Shuttle tankers, Clean Product tankers and LNG tankers. As a lawyer his focus and practice centres on the issues that arise from the operation of tankers; shortages, contamination, bills of lading delay and the whole range of charterparty related disputes.

Stephen’s specialisms include liquid cargo related issues, sanctions applicable to the movement of oil and gas, environmental issues and particularly the development of Emissions Trading Schemes, shipmanagement – he is a member of the BIMCO SHIPMAN drafting committee.

He has a degree in Maritime Studies (BSc Hons – First), as well as the Common Professional Examination (Distinction) and the Law Society Finals (Honours).

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